Number 472 of a limited edition of 1777 teapots, this Fitz and Floyd ceramic collectible pays homage to America's Betsy Ross as one of their "Important Women" in the 1993 Collector's Series.
While historians question the true maker of the first American flag, Betsy Ross has become the patriotic icon for the stars and stripes, and is credited with having created the five point star. This limited adorable 28 oz. teapot represents her as the "Maker of the First US Flag, June 1777.
In here dainty clothing and bonnet, bowed in green ribbon, a symbol of renewal and hope, a pensive Ross sews stars, her scissors by her side. For the "sea to shining sea" is the rope handle, attached to a wharf post, and symbolic of our shores. A closer look and you will spot another iconic figure, the American eagle. A historian or patriot's delight.
Origin: Taiwan; pre-owned; 1993
Dimensions: 7 1/2"W (spout to handle) x 6 7/16"H (est)
Condition: Great. There is a very small pin-sized nick to the tip of Ross's nose. It is hard to feel and it can only be seen it with a magnifying glass (the photo has an enlarged image).
The interior of the teapot lid has two small extra pieces of ceramic that were fired onto the inside surface from manufacturing; they have no effect on the soundness of the lid-they are just there.
There are no cracks, crazing, stains, or wear to the teapot. The colors are bright and the glaze is shiny and well intact. Very nice.