A wide-bodied, scalloped base, a seashell spout, and a jagged gold coral handle come together to make England's Royal Worcester's pattern 1507 a stunning work of art.
This 131 year-old blush ivory bone china pitcher, is made of Parian clay which gives the finish a cream, marble-like, satin exterior feel. It's soft appearance sets the stage for bursting and vibrant pink, violet, and blue flowers amid varied green and rust leaves. Turn the pitcher to the light and the tiny dotted gold floral outlines come to life! Look inside for a beautifully glossed cream interior.
The gilded coral handle (twisted in a manner that somehow, to our eye, suggests a woman's body in Art Deco style), attaches to a swirl-ended seashell spout, its scalloped edge in gold.
A gorgeous creation.
Origin: England; c.1891; pre-owned
Dimensions: 8 3/8"H x 5 1/2"W (est.)
Condition: Very Good/ Great.
Age related gold loss to the handle and brush painted neck branches (see photos). We see no gold loss to the seashell spout. A light hint of apricot paint is seen to the inside rim of the jug (see photo). The floral detail, however, is amazingly vivid and sharp with no wear.
There are no chips, cracks, stains, crazing or repairs. This pitcher is clean both inside and out. The interior is glazed and polished with no seen wear.