Her hand moves up and down over the harp and her head turns left to right. She is an outright gorgeous collectible.
In an 18th century blue gown, floral petticoat, ruffled bonnet (and that big red bow), this woman sits with the lyre in her left hand, and pinkie outstretched. Wind her up and her right hand moves to the music of the "Blue Danube Waltz", and her head gracefully scans the room.
To counter the bisque porcelain is the bright gold rococo-style polished base. To the rear of the box is a ball lever that starts and stops the music and action. We are not sure, but the underside of the box appears to be made of compressed board or a soft wood painted in black. A paper label reads "The Blue Danube Waltz. Made In Japan".
A distinctive vintage music box that amazes those who see it. So lovely.
Origin: Japan; pre-owned
Dimensions: 8 1/2"H x 6"W ( at base)
Condition: Great. This is a beautiful piece. Because the hand and head move in a timed manner, however, it is a very delicate music box and it is not suitable for children, heavy playing and needs to be handled with care. The box should be wound in an upright position.
There are no chips, cracks, breaks wear, stains. The gold base is bright with no wear.
The hand and head move with no hesitation. The music element plays very well; the sound is loud and clear, and the wind up turns with ease. The music element on/off lever works well and stops the music on command.